Getting To The Bottom Of A Leaky Air Conditioner

There are a lot of potential failure modes for an air conditioning system, but few are as annoying and potentially costly as a leak. An AC unit that is leaking outside can be a significant annoyance, but an interior leak can quickly cause costly water damage repair bills to pile up. Even worse, these leaks may not be detected for some time, leading to hidden damage that can easily spread from the original source. Read More 

3 Things To Check If Your Air Conditioner Isn’t Working

Do you have an air conditioner that's no longer functioning as it should? Are you wondering how you can tell if you need a new air conditioner or if you can just fix the old one? Although you can sometimes get your old air conditioner working again so that it can be used for one more year, this isn't always the case. Here are some things you can check to see if you need a new air conditioner. Read More 

Tips For Troubleshooting A Furnace That Blows Cold Air

You depend upon your furnace to keep your home warm and your family comfortable, which means it can be extremely frustrating if the furnace begins blowing lukewarm or even cold air. Depending on how cold it is outside, a furnace failing to heat could even be dangerous. The following tips can help you troubleshoot the problem as well as helping you know when it is time to schedule a repair. Read More 

4 Reasons Your Furnace Smells Like It’s Burning

Whenever a homeowner detects a burning scent, the first reaction is to assume there is a fire in the home. However, if you experience this scenario and your furnace happens to be powered on — you might not want to rush to the same judgement. There are actually a host of reasons why a furnace can produce a burning-like scent, with some of the issues being minor. 1. Dust If you detect the burning scent and it's also the first time you have turned on the heater for the season, it's likely just dust burning that you smell. Read More 

3 Key Factors To Consider When Purchasing A Replacement AC Unit

When your AC starts malfunctioning a lot, it can be difficult to keep your home cool. Instead of letting the temperatures rise uncontrollably, you should consider swapping this faulty unit out with a replacement. Choosing one won't be difficult so long as you pay attention to these factors.  Energy-Efficiency Rating  No matter where you live, it can get expensive to run an AC unit for hours and hours each day during the summer. Read More